Sunday, December 23, 2007
stanford 73, tennessee 69
we did it!!! yes "we" did. we beat the Lady Volunteers from Tennessee for the first time in 11 years! the game was at Maples last night and andrea, natalya and i were there to witness the historical moment. it feel SO GOOD to post a win against Tennessee after so many losses.
jane apel and candice wiggins played well but it was rosalyn gold-onwude who really delivered after the game went into overtime. she scored 9 of her game total 10 points during the extra 5 minutes.
thanks for the early christmas present santa! :)
Monday, December 17, 2007
sunrise and cheesecake
the other morning i glanced out my bedroom window while i was getting ready for work and this is what i saw: what a gorgeous sky!

later that day i asked natalya what we should get Grandma Elaine for Christmas. her answer was "a cheesecake". here's how the conversation unfolded:
me: will we buy one or make one?
natalya: i'll make one
me: how will you make it?
natalya: i'll get some cheese and put it in those round pans and then put frosting on top.
me: yum! grandma will love that :)
later that day i asked natalya what we should get Grandma Elaine for Christmas. her answer was "a cheesecake". here's how the conversation unfolded:
me: will we buy one or make one?
natalya: i'll make one
me: how will you make it?
natalya: i'll get some cheese and put it in those round pans and then put frosting on top.
me: yum! grandma will love that :)
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Oh Hanukkah!
Friday, November 30, 2007
is it december already?
wow! i can't believe that tomorrow is the first day of december. where did november go? and where did i go in november?
i went to southern california twice: once for thanksgiving to visit andrea's family and once for work. the work gig was in santa monica and venice. here are some pics from that trip.
i shot this early one morning... later on there were people swinging from ring to ring like monkeys. no kids. only adults waiting in line to swing on the rings. it was great!
i went to southern california twice: once for thanksgiving to visit andrea's family and once for work. the work gig was in santa monica and venice. here are some pics from that trip.
i shot this early one morning... later on there were people swinging from ring to ring like monkeys. no kids. only adults waiting in line to swing on the rings. it was great!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
shoreline season 21 comes to an end
It's difficult to believe BUT I just finished my 21st season working at Shoreline Amphitheatre. (I was 12 years old when I started there!) It was a "light" season as we say in the biz -- about 25 shows scheduled. The reason I'm able to manage a part-time job with a full-time job and motherhood is my dear friend Laura Parks. Laura and I job-share the smaller scale shows and work the big festival shows as a team.
misha vladimirskiy and john shearer shooting away
the gang waiting for the next act to begin
from left: anthony pidgeon (kneeling), jerome brunet, stephen miner, tim mosenfelder (kneeling), john marr
We ended this season with the Bridge School Benefit It was a great gig to end the season with. Part of what made it great was that I got to spend time with Laura and my best buddies from the world of concert photography. They all came out for the Bridge shows. I turned the table and took some pics of them over the Bridge weekend. Here are some shots of my photographer pals:
from left: anthony pidgeon (kneeling), jerome brunet, stephen miner, tim mosenfelder (kneeling), john marr
The Bridge Benefit this year featured Regina Spektor, Tom Waits with the Kronos Quartet, John Mayer, Tegan and Sarah, Jerry Lee Lewis, Metallica and Neil Young. Something happened that has never happened at a Bridge show before: an opening act (first artist in the line-up) received a standing ovation. That person was Regina Spektor. Her set on Sunday was phenomenal and apparently the audience agreed. She seemed pretty shocked by the ovation and very appreciative as well.
Regina was good but Tom Waits and Kronos stole the show on both days. I haven't seen Tom Waits live before and he blew me away! I downloaded a bunch of his songs from iTunes right after his set on Saturday night. I'm a believer!
Thanks to all of my Shoreline friends for another great season -- see you next year!
Regina was good but Tom Waits and Kronos stole the show on both days. I haven't seen Tom Waits live before and he blew me away! I downloaded a bunch of his songs from iTunes right after his set on Saturday night. I'm a believer!
Thanks to all of my Shoreline friends for another great season -- see you next year!
Monday, October 29, 2007
things we say to natalya
Pirates don't play tennis.
-- Andrea's response to Natalya when she asked if she could wear her pirate costume outside to play.
Hands are not replaceable.
-- We said this to Natalya when she kept sticking her hand out the car window while we were driving somewhere.
Next time use more water and less soap -- a lot less soap...
-- Kaari's reaction to Natalya's "help" washing dishes.
-- Andrea's response to Natalya when she asked if she could wear her pirate costume outside to play.
Hands are not replaceable.
-- We said this to Natalya when she kept sticking her hand out the car window while we were driving somewhere.
Next time use more water and less soap -- a lot less soap...
-- Kaari's reaction to Natalya's "help" washing dishes.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
annie lennox is a goddess!

we saw Annie Lennox in San Francisco last week. she played the Nob Hill Masonic. a tiny little place and we managed to be in the fifth row -- close enough for her to spit on us! she sounded great too. played some stuff off the new CD and also did some Eurythmics tunes. all in all it was a pretty good night EXCEPT for the fact that there was a freaky couple sitting in front of us.
the funny part about this is that freaky people always sit in front of us. we're magnates. for example, when we saw melissa etheridge in portland the couple in front of us were the only people in the entire place who stood up for the duration of the show (3 hours). and when we went to see the true colors tour (which was a very gay crowd) a straight couple was in front of us and they were making out all night. how dare they flaunt their lifestyle in public! :)
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
talya the toothless wonder...
natalya has lost a total of seven teeth now. two of her grown up teeth have come in and another five are on their way. she looks pretty silly. it's hard to take her seriously sometimes when she's talking and her tongue is flopping out through the space in front of her mouth :)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
and the winner is...
every year there's an opening band at Shoreline that permeates my jaded "i've seen hundreds of concerts and hundreds of bands" exterior. last year the award went to "TV on the Radio". this year the award for "best opening act at Shoreline Amphitheatre" goes to (drum roll please): LCD Soundsystem!
LCD Soundsystem opened for Arcade Fire and they were really good and really fun. the lead singer, James Murphy, is one of those frontmen you could pass on the street and never think for a second that he's the lead singer of a band. he looks more like - um - a software engineer. LCD got the crowd out of their seats and dancing with their infectious grooves. After their set I headed right back to my office to download some of LCD Soundsystem's music from iTunes. I suggest that you do the same as soon as possible!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
announcement: She's Geeky (un)Conference
She's Geeky (
A Women's Tech (un)conference
October 22-23 in Mountain View, CA.
I'm very excited to be a part of She's Geeky. I've been helping the organizers by getting the word out to all of my geeky gals and it's shaping up to be a great couple of days! This event is designed to bring together women from a range of technology-focused disciplines who self identify as geeky. Our goal is to support skills exchange and learning between women working in diverse fields and to create a space for networking and talking about issues faced by women in technology.
The first day is programmed with some excellent presenters and the second day is the (un) conference part where participants will build their own schedule of events. This way we get to talk about whatever we're interested in!Tuesday, September 18, 2007
a movie for natalya
natalya asked me to make a movie for her for her sixth birthday. here's what i did... she loved it... hope you do to!
(copy and paste this URL into your browser)
(copy and paste this URL into your browser)
Sunday, September 02, 2007
a dream come true
Andrea and I made a trip to London in August while my folks stayed with Natalya. We had a fabulous time! Stayed near Soho. Did a lot of the touristy things: Westminster Abbey; The Tate Modern; Madame Tussaud's; rode the Underground all over the city; etc. One of the highlights of the trip for me was walking across Abbey Road just like the Beatles. What a rush!
The lowlight of the trip was the homophobia we experienced. We assumed that London was an accepting place. I mean, they passed the "civil partnership" law and everything -- right? We were so wrong! On three separate occasions men hassled us. For example, one night when we were riding the Tube we happened to sit down across from these two middle-aged local guys. The minute we sat down they started muttering to each other while they staring at us. I kept hearing the word "lesbian". One of the guys would not take his eyes off of me. Every time I looked up he was staring at me. What the heck were we supposed to do? If we said anything to them we'd just be adding fuel to the fire. So we ignored them...and felt grateful for living in Northern California where the episodes of homophobia we experience are very few and far between.
Friday, August 24, 2007
first day of school
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
natalya is 6!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
another gem from natalya
Last night Natalya was performing for Andrea, Amy (Amos) and me. At one point she stopped dancing and very dramatically waved her hands and said, "then a flush fell over the crowd -- (in a very breathy voice) -- FLUSH"
Do you think she meant "hush"?
I love that kid :)
Do you think she meant "hush"?
I love that kid :)
Monday, July 09, 2007
natalya's sense of humor
We took Natalya to see Ratatouille this weekend. This was after much prodding on her part mind you. Usually when we take her to a movie she's fine until her cherry "Icee" drink runs out. The minute that's gone she's ready to leave the theater. So -- I told her we'd go to Ratatouille on the condition that we'd stay for the entire movie (even after the Icee was gone).
I bought Natalya the Icee and we sat down and watched all of the movie previews. When Ratatouille finally started she leaned over toward me and said "I'm ready to go now". And then she flashed a big mischievous grin.
Needless to say, we made it through the entire movie this time. :)
This is a photo of Natalya displaying her white t-shirts.
The one on the left is after a day at camp.
The one on the right is before a day at camp.
I don't know what she does to get so dirty but she's
definitely having fun this summer!
I bought Natalya the Icee and we sat down and watched all of the movie previews. When Ratatouille finally started she leaned over toward me and said "I'm ready to go now". And then she flashed a big mischievous grin.
Needless to say, we made it through the entire movie this time. :)

The one on the left is after a day at camp.
The one on the right is before a day at camp.
I don't know what she does to get so dirty but she's
definitely having fun this summer!
Monday, July 02, 2007
True Colors
Friday night Andrea and I went to the True Colors concert at the Greek in Berkeley. The tour takes its name from one of tour organizer Cyndi Lauper’s best-known songs. A portion of the proceeds from each ticket sold on this month-long tour, goes to benefit the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest organization working for GLBT equality. The tour also provided a forum for other equal rights organizations, including PFLAG and the Matthew Shepard Foundation.
San Francisco-born comic Margaret Cho served as the host of the event and provided some of its best moments with her between-sets comedy routines. Almost all of her bits and punch lines are rated NC-17 — especially the lyrics to her hilarious rap song Your Puss which she performed with fellow comic Diana Yanez.
The tour’s two opening acts the Cliks and the Dresden Dolls were both really solid. The Cliks is a Toronto-based female indie-rock quartet that (according to my pal music critic Jim Harrington) should appeal to fans of the Pretenders. The Dresden Dolls is an over-the-top glam-rock duo from Boston which describes its sound as Brechtian punk cabaret. Jim thinks they sound like a mashup of the White Stripes and Queen — and I have to agree. The highlight of the Doll's set was an amusing and flawless cover of Black Sabbath's War Pigs.
Sadly, both openers overshadowed the next act: Deborah Harry. The New Wave icon, who turned 62 on Sunday (July 1), sounded okay, but her song selection was disappointing. Harry focused on her solo material, mostly including tracks from her new disc instead of her legendary work with Blondie. The best part of her set was the tune French Kissin’ in the USA, but there could have been many highlights with a fewBlondie tunes thrown in.
Rosie O’Donnell took the stage next and wowed the crowd with some stand-up material. Her humor centered around her sexuality, her weight, her time on “The View” and, of course, her battle with Donald Trump.
Following O’Donnell, Erasure entered the picture and a booming dance party started. Backed by three female singers, the duo of vocalist Andy Bell and keyboardist Vince Clarke gave the best set of the night. In fact, in my mind they just plain blew everyone else away. They sounded so good and there was so much electricity in the air during their set that I got chills. Seriously.
Erasure played several fan favorites like Blue Savannah, Love to Hate You, Chains of Love and Sometimes. Bell's voice sounded strong and clear and the classic Erasure tunes sounded better than ever. Even the new songs stacked up against the old ones. Proving that Erasure’s new disc Light at the End of the World is the band’s best release in years.
Lauper couldn’t match Erasure’s overall energy during her set, but she did contribute some good moments. For example, she delivered an energetic version of Money Changes Everything and a very funky rendition of She Bop. Lauper also brought O’Donnell back on-stage to add some solid percussion to Girls Just Want to Have Fun and then summoned the entire cast back for an uplifting show-closer on Abba’s Take a Chance on Me. All in all, True Colors was a truly fabulous concert!

San Francisco-born comic Margaret Cho served as the host of the event and provided some of its best moments with her between-sets comedy routines. Almost all of her bits and punch lines are rated NC-17 — especially the lyrics to her hilarious rap song Your Puss which she performed with fellow comic Diana Yanez.
The tour’s two opening acts the Cliks and the Dresden Dolls were both really solid. The Cliks is a Toronto-based female indie-rock quartet that (according to my pal music critic Jim Harrington) should appeal to fans of the Pretenders. The Dresden Dolls is an over-the-top glam-rock duo from Boston which describes its sound as Brechtian punk cabaret. Jim thinks they sound like a mashup of the White Stripes and Queen — and I have to agree. The highlight of the Doll's set was an amusing and flawless cover of Black Sabbath's War Pigs.
Sadly, both openers overshadowed the next act: Deborah Harry. The New Wave icon, who turned 62 on Sunday (July 1), sounded okay, but her song selection was disappointing. Harry focused on her solo material, mostly including tracks from her new disc instead of her legendary work with Blondie. The best part of her set was the tune French Kissin’ in the USA, but there could have been many highlights with a fewBlondie tunes thrown in.
Rosie O’Donnell took the stage next and wowed the crowd with some stand-up material. Her humor centered around her sexuality, her weight, her time on “The View” and, of course, her battle with Donald Trump.
Following O’Donnell, Erasure entered the picture and a booming dance party started. Backed by three female singers, the duo of vocalist Andy Bell and keyboardist Vince Clarke gave the best set of the night. In fact, in my mind they just plain blew everyone else away. They sounded so good and there was so much electricity in the air during their set that I got chills. Seriously.
Erasure played several fan favorites like Blue Savannah, Love to Hate You, Chains of Love and Sometimes. Bell's voice sounded strong and clear and the classic Erasure tunes sounded better than ever. Even the new songs stacked up against the old ones. Proving that Erasure’s new disc Light at the End of the World is the band’s best release in years.
Lauper couldn’t match Erasure’s overall energy during her set, but she did contribute some good moments. For example, she delivered an energetic version of Money Changes Everything and a very funky rendition of She Bop. Lauper also brought O’Donnell back on-stage to add some solid percussion to Girls Just Want to Have Fun and then summoned the entire cast back for an uplifting show-closer on Abba’s Take a Chance on Me. All in all, True Colors was a truly fabulous concert!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Pride 2007

I called Pati on her cell phone when we got to the Castro (as planned). Keep in mind that when Pati and I talk on the phone we goof around a lot. We sing to each other and say "hello" in very affected ways.
Pati: Hello?
Me: Helloooooooo! Happy Pride!
Pati: Hellooooooo to you too!
Me: Hey there Patooti! What's shaking?
Pati: Helloooooo darlin'! (in a sing-song voice)
Me: So let's meet in front of the Gauntlet baby.
Pati: Okay -- see you there in a few minutes. Bye!
Me: Okay. Bye.
Andrea and I walked over to the Gauntlet and I didn't see Pati so I called her back.
Pati: Hello?
Me: Howdy. Where are you?
Pati: In front of the Gauntlet.
Me: No you're not. I'm standing here and I don't see you.
Pati: I swear to you — I'm in front of the Gauntlet.
Me: Then why can't I see you?
Pati: If you want your cell phone back you need to find me.
Me: Huh? What are you talking about?
Pati: You left your cell phone in my car and I'm trying to meet you to return it.
Me: But I'm talking to you on MY cell phone.
Pati: Wait a minute -- do you have long red curly hair?
Me: No Pati. But you do you big idiot!
Pati: Oh no! I'm not Pati. I just have her phone.
Me: Huh?
Pati: This woman with red curly hair left her cell phone in my car. I gave her a ride to the Dyke March but I don't know her.
Me: Oh — so you've been answering Pati's phone...
Pati: Well yeah. I was hoping that I could figure out a way to get the phone back to her.
Needless to say, Pati got her phone back that night and we both had a great big laugh about the ordeal.
Monday, June 18, 2007
a lesson in determination
We just returned from a trip to Michigan to see the family. Took the kids to a water park one day and Natalya had a blast of course. One of the pools at the park had 3 basketball hoops. Natalya grabbed a ball and her mom and jumped into the pool to shoot a few baskets. Natalya and I spent about 90 minutes total shooting baskets throughout the day. During that entire time she never made a basket. Never.
But my girl didn't get discouraged. She never wanted to give up and she never stopped having fun. I have a new appreciation for what a special little girl she is and am thrilled that I'm continuing to learn from her approach to life and living.
But my girl didn't get discouraged. She never wanted to give up and she never stopped having fun. I have a new appreciation for what a special little girl she is and am thrilled that I'm continuing to learn from her approach to life and living.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
natalya gave us a buddha for our backyard for mother's day. we planted the flowers and rocks around him. kinda peaceful looking isn't it?
Sunday, May 27, 2007
and so it begins...
I started my 21st (wow!) season at Shoreline Amphitheatre last weekend. Our opening show was headlined by Brad Paisley -- he's a popular country artist. (Hey I just work the shows I don't book 'em). Anyway, let's just say that it was an eye-opener of an evening for me. This popular country cross-over stuff frightens me. Case in point: before Brad takes the stage the music of AC/DC is blasting through the venue and all of these cowboy hat covered heads are banging to Back in Black. Then the lights go down and Brad takes the stage and the crowd switches to country mode and they're all singing along with the guy who writes "tears in my beers" songs like Two Feet of top Soil:
Yesterday I thought that I was low as I could get
I had hit rock bottom ever since you up and left
But this morning when I saw you with somebody else
Well needless to say
Thats when I started sinkin' even lower
And as far as where I'm at today
Theres two feet of topsoil
A little bit of bedrock, limestone in between
A fossilized dinosaur
A little patch of crude oil
A thousand feet of granite underneath
Then there's me
Amusing but not my cup of tea...give me Back in Black any day and ROCK ON!

I had hit rock bottom ever since you up and left
But this morning when I saw you with somebody else
Well needless to say
Thats when I started sinkin' even lower
And as far as where I'm at today
Theres two feet of topsoil
A little bit of bedrock, limestone in between
A fossilized dinosaur
A little patch of crude oil
A thousand feet of granite underneath
Then there's me
Amusing but not my cup of tea...give me Back in Black any day and ROCK ON!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
mother's day 2007
Monday, May 07, 2007
another milestone achieved
Natalya has officially mastered a two-wheeler! Needless to say, she's feeling very grown up now. The day this picture was taken it was about 90 degrees outside. When Natalya got dressed for school she ran downstairs and grabbed her winter fleece jacket to wear.
Me: "Natalya it's going to be really warm outside today. You don't need a jacket."
Natalya: "Yes I do Mom. I need to wear the jacket to protect people from seeing my cute clothes."
Me: (making a mental note: don't ever tell Natalya that she looks cute in her clothes.)
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
got dreams?
Yesterday morning I told Natalya that she could ride her bike to school (I throw the bike in my car and she rides from the parking lot to the classroom). She replied "oh Mama you're the best! You make my dreams come true!"
And Miss Muffet makes my dreams come true as well — she's going to be an awesome basektball player! Here's a picture of her playing while her proud mom looks on :)
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
girls just wanna have fun

I love this pic of Natalya and her pal Yarden playing with shaving cream at Camp Rimon. Those two girls really know how to have a good time!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
perhaps it was a premonition?

I am in mourning. My Stanford girls lost to Florida State last night. And they lost at home. It's so painful! I wouldn't feel so bad if we'd (yes we'd) played a good game. But we didn't. We pretty much sucked. This is really testing my resolve to not see loss as disaster.
Stanford center Brooke Smith wipes her eyes after Stanford was upset by Florida State 68-61 during their second-round game in the NCAA women's basketball tournament.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
loss & luck

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost
that their loss is no disaster.
Lose something every day.
Accept the fluster of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant to travel.
None of these will bring disaster.
Even losing you (the lovely voice, a brilliant smile) I shan't have lied.
It's evident the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like
(write it!) like disaster.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
i met a REAL rock star...

I saw this guy at a Stanford game playing with what looked like an iPhone and thought to myself "that looks like an iPhone". But then I thought that it couldn't be an iPhone because nobody has an iPhone yet (except for Steve Jobs er -- and this guy).
Anyway, it turns out that the man who's been sitting in front of me at Stanford games for the past three years or so is the one and only Scott Forster. Not only did he create the iPhone, he created Mac OSX as well. A true genius and a true rock star in my book!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
crime scene?
Friday, February 16, 2007
who's your daddy?

Natalya looked at me with eyes wide and replied, "you mean OUR ELVIS?"
You gotta love that kid of mine :)
Monday, February 05, 2007
the agony of defeat
No. 8 Stanford Women's Hoops Upset By No. 21 California, 72-57 Pinch me -- am I dreaming? No. It's a nightmare! That's right folks. My Stanford Women's Basketball team LOST to Cal on Sunday. I'm still recovering. I think I'm in the angry stage of grieving now.
How the f---k could my girls let this happen?! The Stanford women haven't lost to Cal in six years. And this is their first loss in the Pac-10 Conference this year (now they're 11-1). I know. It's still a respectable record for the season -- but lose to Cal? Unacceptable!
How the f---k could my girls let this happen?! The Stanford women haven't lost to Cal in six years. And this is their first loss in the Pac-10 Conference this year (now they're 11-1). I know. It's still a respectable record for the season -- but lose to Cal? Unacceptable!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
dental trauma
My little daredevil had an accident at school the other day. Natalya and her friend Ori were on the same swing playing "spider" (I still haven't gotten a straight answer about what this game entails) and Natalya fell off. Then Ori fell on Natalya and her teeth ended up in his head. Ori's head is fine. Natalya's teeth are not.
After two hours at the dentist Natalya now has "splints" on her front teeth. Turns out that the four teeth in the front (on top) were all injured and lose. Ouch!
She's feeling very grown up because "it's like I have braces like the big kids" and couldn't wait to show her pals at school. Thank goodness she's such an optimist!
We have a special mouth wash to prevent infection and will go back to the dentist in 10 days. The dentist thinks that the main two front teeth will fall out within six months on their own. She's trying to save the other two because the roots are still quite long.
Hopefully we've made our one and only trip to the "Dental Trauma Room" at her dentist's office. :)
After two hours at the dentist Natalya now has "splints" on her front teeth. Turns out that the four teeth in the front (on top) were all injured and lose. Ouch!

We have a special mouth wash to prevent infection and will go back to the dentist in 10 days. The dentist thinks that the main two front teeth will fall out within six months on their own. She's trying to save the other two because the roots are still quite long.
Hopefully we've made our one and only trip to the "Dental Trauma Room" at her dentist's office. :)
Friday, January 19, 2007
by the way: Natalya has changed her stage name from Sydney Wicked to "Vicky Hartbrask". (don't ask -- I have no idea where she gets this stuff from).
Monday, January 08, 2007
krispy kreme car jack
i had a strange experience while driving to shoreline the other day. i'm sitting at a stop light and all of a sudden this guy is standing next to my car and yelling something at me. i quickly locked my doors. then somehow the yelling registered as "frantic" rather than "angry" so i rolled down my window.
guy: where's Krispy Kreme?
me: what?
guy: how do I get to Krispy Kreme from here?
me: oh. um. get back on 101 north and exit at Rengstorff.
guy: (while running back to his car which was behind mine) okay. thanks!
me: whew!
and here's a pic of my girlie doing one of her modeling poses.
she's modeling one of her gender bender outfits. :)
guy: where's Krispy Kreme?
me: what?
guy: how do I get to Krispy Kreme from here?
me: oh. um. get back on 101 north and exit at Rengstorff.
guy: (while running back to his car which was behind mine) okay. thanks!
me: whew!
she's modeling one of her gender bender outfits. :)
Thursday, January 04, 2007
a new year on the horizon (and a confession)

I really wasn't looking forward to the show. I mean -- it was only Kelly Clarkson afterall -- just an American Idol champion. It's not like Melissa Etheridge was performing.
The night arrived and Shoreline was filled with thousands of little girls with their moms in tow. It was the first concert for most of them and you could feel the excitement in the air (seriously). When Kelly took the stage the place erupted! Everyone was screaming for Kelly. The audience sang along with every word to every song. Kelly sounded fantastic. She worked the crowd and made sure that the first time concert-goers had a memorable experience... it was everything a concert should be. Kudos to Kelly! I'm a convert (seriously).
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