Friday, December 31, 2010

that's rock n roll

Peter Frampton in the 1970s

I ran into some people at a party the other night who knew I worked at Shoreline. While we were chatting they asked me about some of my "memorable Shoreline moments"... here's the first in a series:

A few seasons ago we had a show with Journey, Peter Frampton and John Waite. I was standing in front of the stage with the photographers waiting for Peter Frampton to start his set. The lights came up and Frampton started playing Show Me the Way. The rookie photographer next to me pointed his lens at the old guy playing guitar but didn't take any shots. Instead he leaned over and said, "let me know when Peter Frampton is on stage."

I yelled over the music "that IS PETER FRAMPTON".


Peter Frampton is still rocking

Thursday, December 16, 2010

this is the thing...

Natalya with Michael Jackson's star in Hollywood

A couple of weeks ago we had Miss Muffet's parent teacher conference. At Bowman, each student participates in their conference. The students prepare ahead of time and bring some of the work they're particularly proud of to show to their parents.

In her oh-so-Natalya way, Miss Muffet presented a science project and described it as, “this is a thing I did and I learned that this is the thing that’s part of that thinga-ma-jiggy.” 

Just imagine how proud Mishy Mama and I felt after the presentation :)

Friday, December 03, 2010


Miss Muffet made quite a discovery. On the way home from school yesterday she said, "Guess what Mama?! When I stick my fingers in my armpits and then smell my fingers it smells like chicken!"

Still not sure how to respond to this one...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

2010 is our Year of the Dog

We just celebrated a two-month anniversary with our dog Olive. She's a Basenji/Lab mix born in Taiwan of all places. A rescue group in Southern California works with a rescue group in Taiwan. Apparently there's a major stray dog problem there -- lucky for us because otherwise we wouldn't have Olive!

We started looking for a rescue dog in September and made a connection with a dog via Doggie Protective Services. They accepted our application and helped us find "Melina" a one year old Basenji/Lab mix. Needless to say, Natalya was off-the-charts excited about meeting Melina.

Unfortunately, when we got to the adoption fair at Pet Food Express we were told that Melina had been adopted the day before.  Poor Natalya! She was heartbroken. She ran out of the store sobbing. Andrea ran after her and I stayed with the Doggie volunteers. They told me to hang around because a litter of black puppies was coming in. The problem was that we didn't want a puppy :)

Then the puppies came in. Three of them. Two girls and a boy. They were about 5 months old. Natalya got permission to get into the pen with them and Olive (named Malika at the time) walked right over to her and started sniffing and kissing her. The other two dogs ignored Natalya. So let's just say that Olive chose Natalya. Two hours later we were back home with the newest addition to our family: Olive Peterwak!

olive's first day at home with natalya

Friday, October 29, 2010

Season Number 24 Comes to an End

Just finished season number 24 at Shoreline. I still love working there and hanging with all of my Shoreline peeps. We've all known each other for quite awhile now!

Highlights from this season:  

Live 105's BFD. Always a fun day. Loved hearing some of the "new" bands.

Lilith Fair: The Wilson Sisters rocked the house and I watched their set with some old pals from my early days at Shoreline (Lynn and Sabrina). We had a blast! 

Rihanna: Great stage show and she sounded even better. I strolled past her backstage and was surprised by how tall she was... even without the high heels! Worked with a crew from yahoo! News to do a story about the Shoreline's efforts to be green. Check it out here:

American Idol Live tour:  Did a press conference with the Idols. They were all really nice kids (yes they are kids -- very young). Got to bring Natalya in so she could meet the Idols. She was thrilled of course :)

ZZ Top:  The guys still have it. It was really fun to hear the old ZZ tunes again. 38 Special played too and they sounded like they hadn't aged a bit. Fun to hear Hold on Loosely -- a song that my band used to play back in high school.

ZZ Top:  Billy Gibbons and Frank Beard

Bridge School Benefit:  Always a highlight. Got to meet Elvis Costello this year. He was really sweet with all of the Bridge kids. Seemed to be enjoying his time at Shoreline. Sir Elton John was masterful. And it was an unexpected treat to see country music legend Ralph Stanley. He's 93 years old and can still wear rhinestones proudly and put on a show. I wasn't exactly looking forward to seeing Pearl Jam again (they've done the Bridge many times) but their sets this year were superb. Probably the best I've seen from PJ!

Thanks to my pal Tim Mosenfelder for the great photos :)

Sir Elton John

Ralph Stanley

Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam

Monday, June 14, 2010

a dancing partner

Yesterday Shmoopie and I were in the car with Natalya and she asked us if we were going to get married. We explained that when we're "allowed" to get married we would.

Natalya:  Who are you going to invite to the wedding?

Me:  Family and friends.

Natalya:  So I'll be invited?

Shmoopie:  Of course!

Natalya:  Can I bring someone?

Me:  Sure who do you want to bring?

Natalya:  I wanna bring a hobo.

Me:  A hobo? Why a hobo?

Natalya:  So I'll have someone to dance with.

We made Natalya ride her bike to see Wicked -- her broom was out of gas :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

so close and yet...

I've been putting off posting this entry, enjoying my time as the Queen of Denial...but I must face finally the truth. My Stanford Women's Basketball team lost the NCAA Tournament Championship game to the University of Connecticut 82 - 73. We (yes "we") only lost by 9 points. A smaller margin than any team that has lost to UConn in quite a while. We were even ahead at half-time with a score of 20 - 12. But alas, it wasn't meant to be :(

No. 2 Seed Stanford played No. 1 Seed UConn in the Championship Game

The final game was even more excruciating because Shmoopie and I were in Mexico and Mexican ESPN didn't show any of the women's games. We had to "watch" the game by standing next to our new friend Alfonso in the hotel's Internet Cafe -- which was a line of computers at the back of the Sport Bar (singular). Alfonso found a game-feed on the web somehow and the three of us sat in front of a laptop and waited for the screen to refresh every 30 seconds or so. Like I said:  excruciating. The second half was much more painful than the first. That's when UConn pulled ahead of Stanford; Jayne Appel got hurt and then UConn put the hammer down. Andrea and I were SO disappointed -- so was Alfonso -- he was invested too!

Stanford Senior Jayne Appel throws a pass

Thanks for another great season my Cardinal Ladies and farewell to Jayne Appel and the other Seniors. It was awesome watching you develop as players over the course of four seasons. It's hard to say goodbye :(

We'll be back at Maples Pavillion next season ready to cheer you on and welcome the new players.

Go Stanford!!!

Friday, February 05, 2010

Reunited and it Felt So Good

A couple of weekends ago I met my BFFs from my Michigan State University days for a little reunion. We stayed in San Diego and had a blast! There was much talking and much laughter. It was so good to be together again. Here are some quotes from the weekend (I'll let you guess who said what...):
  • When I buried the first cat...
  • Duck tape is his best friend.
  • You look really sad -- did people magazine not come today?
  • I've only been here when it's packed.
  • The word **** is like #### to me.
  • I don't understand a word you said.
  • Right now I just want you to know that I feel like I'm in another country.
  • I only stalled once.
  • You gotta have some kind of twitch.
  • I have trouble crossing the street.
  • Sorry if I gave you whiplash.

Susan Straka, me, and Susan Gaines in San Diego

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

happy new year!

natalya in michigan with her red and green braces

Natalya and I made a fruit smoothie the other day.

Me: What do you think of the flavor?

Natalya: It’s a little off-balance but not too bad.

Here's hoping that 2010 is a balanced year for you and yours!