Saturday, September 29, 2007

and the winner is...

every year there's an opening band at Shoreline that permeates my jaded "i've seen hundreds of concerts and hundreds of bands" exterior. last year the award went to "TV on the Radio". this year the award for "best opening act at Shoreline Amphitheatre" goes to (drum roll please): LCD Soundsystem!

LCD Soundsystem live

LCD Soundsystem opened for Arcade Fire and they were really good and really fun. the lead singer, James Murphy, is one of those frontmen you could pass on the street and never think for a second that he's the lead singer of a band. he looks more like - um - a software engineer. LCD got the crowd out of their seats and dancing with their infectious grooves. After their set I headed right back to my office to download some of LCD Soundsystem's music from iTunes. I suggest that you do the same as soon as possible!

james murphy: singer or software engineer?